West Capital Markets' discretionary stock broking service is one that offers portfolio management as well as dealing. Clients can simply hand over their money to WestCap and WestCap will make all investment decisions. Clients can impose constraints such as ethical investing requirements and retain some involvement in the process if they wish.
West Capital Markets usually charge a percentage of the value of the portfolio annually for discretionary portfolio management. However, we do not usually charge commission for each trade made on a discretionary account. This means that our clients' interests are put first. Discretionary broking offers the investor the lowest level of control over their investments. It does mean the least work for the investor and should mean the most work put into portfolio management by WestCap. The amount of work required to provide a discretionary service means that most brokers are only willing to offer discretionary broking to clients who have portfolios of a reasonable size (typically GH50,000+, often considerably more) BUT at West Capital Markets all clients, irrespective of portfolio size, are welcomed.