Welcome to WestCap's career page:
The culture at West Capital Markets is "down to earth" and "very entrepreneurial." And the firm's "flat structure"
crops up a lot amongst sources-on that front, "career progression is easier than at other places." There's also a "work hard,
play hard" approach at the firm where it's expected that you'll "take on as much responsibility as you can." "If you are the
type of person who likes to take ownership of a project and think out of the box, this is the firm for you." It's also a "meritocracy"
where "everybody seems to know and get along with each other,"
If you are looking for the chance to develop your career within a fast growing and innovative company, then West Capital Markets
could be for you.
Joining West Capital Markets gives you the opportunity to expand your career. We are looking for employees across our entire
business with different experience and backgrounds to contribute to our existing talented teams.
We need the best people to help us continue our success.
If you are interested in joining our experienced team, then please send your CV to the following email address.