Year: 2014

Opportunities under African Skies


Our recent letters have highlighted some of the opportunities that we now see relating to more effective use of letters of credit. There happen to be stunning limitations within the banking systems in different countries in the world, not just in developing nations but even within the European Union. One advantage we have is the ability to bring receiving banks into play which are still entrepreneurial in encouraging and being open to assist in trade finance.

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Using your available capital most efficiently


We hear regularly from clients working to use their capital the best way they can. Some are nervous about using OPM (Other People’s Money) and use strictly their own capital without ever reaching out to other sources.  Others don’t have a lot of capital and are searching for ways to make their small amount of capital stretch a whole lot further.

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Your Banker Can’t Help Himself;  but You Can Help Yourself with the Right Bank

We saw a headline recently in the Wall Street Journal that said: Bank Financing Played Big Role in Trade Collapse.  It referred to a study by two prominent economists of the economic difficulties in 2008/9, noting that a shrinkage in the supply of letters of credit had a large effect on world trade and the global economy. Further, such a shrinkage affected developing countries even more.

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